Some very personal opinions about our Government and my fellow citizens.

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Just an old man that wants to help build a free country for my children, and their children, to love like I do. --OLDDOG

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Intellectual capitulation

Those who believe the U.S. Constitution is still the supreme law of the land are just as delusional as those who believe America has free and honest markets.

The Constitution is selectively enforced by government corporations, acting in obedience to the international bankers, just as our founding fathers predicted.

Our present concern is for getting arrested for not obeying all the un-constitutional laws being passed by a rogue Congress, preserving the ability to earn a living, and stopping the transformation to a Global Electronic Currency, and Global Government.

American’s are totally beguiled by THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which is a Washington D.C. Corporation acting as elected politicians, with the sole objective of draining America of its natural resources, devaluing its currency through the excessive accumulation of national, and personal debt, and indoctrinating each generation into a dependency on the government to solve their problems, and take care of them.

As each generation of indoctrinated children mature, and each generation of self reliant individuals die off, America becomes a nation of intellectual cowards who obediently accept economic slavery.

Communitarianism then becomes America’s GOD, technology will no longer be needed to update character databases, and personal freedom will no longer be desired.


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